1. Budget
The biggest obstacle for newly engaged couples is the wedding budget. How much do we spend? How much can we afford to spend? So many details go into wedding planning and those details start to add up. According to The Knot, the average cost of a wedding has risen to $31, 000!
Planning a small wedding allows you to save that money you were going to spend. Or you could use it towards a fantastic honeymoon, or investing it into your family by using it for a downpayment on a house.
2. Fewer Guests
One way to cut your budget in half is cut your guest list in half. Do you really need your uncles – brothers – wives – niece at your wedding? Probably not. Weddings are about sharing an important time in your life with those you are closest to. Also, fewer guests mean you can splurge on more gourmet meal items since its fewer mouths to feed. And we know its always about the food. Especially in the south..
3. Intimate Environment
A smaller budget and fewer guest means you can downsize your location. Intimate weddings are becoming more and more popular. Have you ever been to a wedding where you barely got any time to speak with the bride and groom to congratulate them? A small intimate space allows for more facetime with those you truly care about and want to celebrate your new life together with..
4. Less Stress
We all know weddings are great, but we also know they can be very stressful and overwhelming. A smaller guest list and the intimate venue also means less chaos and commotion to deal with. You can focus on the details that mean the most to you because you don’t have to fill a big venue full of “stuff” and people.
Having a smaller wedding can be a very smart idea and can also help you save time and money to focus on other planning aspects that have more importance to you! We hope this blog truly helped you consider whether having a small wedding is right for you. Should you need a small event venue for your wedding, rehearsal, engagement party we hope that you will keep us in mind.